Оптимизация оперативной памяти при работе в ZWCAD+ 2015

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В ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1 появилась возможность использования большего объем памяти, что позволяет оперировать большими файлами и избегать многих вылетов программы и крэшей.

Для компьютеров, имеющих оперативную память 3Гб и более, ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1 позволяет использовать ресурсы более эффективно. При этом обладатели для 64 разрядных компьютеров данная возможность получат это возможность автоматически, для 32 разрядных компьютеров нужно будет выполнить дополнительную настройку.

Далее представлены необходимые инструкции на английском языке.

Allow more memory to applications.

Follow the instructions below for your version of Windows to change how much memory Windows allows to an application. Keep in mind that if you have a 64-bit operating system, this is unnecessary. The 32 bit application must be linked with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch for the /3GB option to work. This option allocates just 1 GB to the OS instead of 2, freeing an extra GB for applications. It may affect the performance of the OS.

Windows XP, Server 2003

1. Open System Properties. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. 2. Select the Advanced tab. 3. In the Startup and Recovery area, click Settings to open the Startup and Recovery dialog. 4. In the System Startup area, click Edit to open the Windows boot.ini in Notepad. 5. Make sure to disable Word Wrap from the Format menu (you do not want a check to appear next to it). 6. Find the [Operating Systems] section. Each line below this header represents an operating system installed on your computer. 7. At the end of each line under [Operating Systems] add the following after /fastdetect (or whatever is at the end of the line): - If you have 3072 MB of RAM installed: /3GB /userva=2560 - If you have 4096 MB of RAM installed: /3GB 8. Save the changes and close Notepad. 9. Close all open dialogs and restart your computer.

In case of trouble

Repeat the above steps but instead of adding /3GB and /userva, remove them.

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008

1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative rights.

 - Open Start. 
 - Open Programs. 
 - Open Acessories. 
 - Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator. 

2. Type the following and hit enter:

 - If you have 3072 MB of RAM installed: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560 
 - If you have 4096 MB of RAM installed: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072 

3. Close the command prompt and restart your computer.

In case of trouble

Repeat the above steps but use the following command instead: bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVA

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